



主演:帕特里克·斯图尔特,乔纳森·弗雷克斯,布伦特·斯皮内,LeVarBurton,玛丽娜·赛提斯,汤姆·哈迪,约翰·博格,莱瓦尔·伯顿,凯特·穆格鲁,Baron Jay,祖德·塞克利拉,J.帕特里克·麦克康尔马克,马蒂·马图利斯,阿兰·戴尔,Doug Wax,斯图尔特·贝尔德,盖茨·麦克法登,布莱恩·辛格,珊农·克奇兰,Jasmine Lliteras,乌比·戈德堡,迈克尔·多恩,迪娜·迈耶,马杰尔·
简介:企业号宇宙飞船遨游在太空,在人类和外星人中间传播好意,同时也在防范敌对星球有可能的攻击行为,因为有迹象表明,星际联盟的老对头罗木兰星球有可能发起新一轮的攻击。皮卡特船长和他的船员们也在小心翼翼的观察着事态的进展,时刻准备投入战斗。 可就在这时,罗木兰星球发出了和谈的讯息,星际联盟命令企业号前往谈判,当皮卡特船长第一次见到罗木兰星球新的执政官后惊呆了,原来对方就是罗木兰很久以前制造的皮卡特的人类复制品,面对这个难缠的对手,皮卡特船长和他的船员们该如何是好?


主演:卢克·梅伯利,Kam Heskin,Clemency Burton-Hill,乔纳森·佛斯,玛瑞亚·达波
简介:皇家婚禮是2003年浪漫喜劇片麻雀變王妃的續集 在前集中 珮姬愛上愛得華 卻不知他是如假包換的丹麥王子 在續集中 兩人卻要面對丹麥皇室傳統律法的規定 就是當王子與一個平民百姓結婚的話 他必須要宣示放棄皇位繼承權 This movie was what you would expect from a sequel that is looking to be a sweet and feel good comedy aimed at young audiences. It's great for kids as there is no swearing, questionable subject matter, et. Luke is a doll and comes across the dashing yet not uptight king (or prince, not sure) and I thought he and Paige (Kam Heskin) had great chemistry. You almost sense they really liked each other. Kam plays a little more of a glamorous Paige which I kind of liked now that it takes place in Europe. I found her very cute and funny and not uptight or stuffy either. I like her in Pride and Prejudice too. Kirsten (Clemency Burton-Hill)is hysterical and plays a great villianess. Her father, played by Jim Holt was very entertaining. And the Queen looked very regal and likable. Overall I thought this was a very cute, simple little movie that had some very funny parts and kept me entertained. Worth the rental
卢克·梅伯利,Kam Heskin..


主演:Winston Bell,Kevoy Burton,O'Daine Clarke
简介:  《盖特的生活》本片为牙买加首部具有震撼力的动作大片。
Winston Bell,Kevo..