



主演:桑尼·苏瓦美塔农,黛薇卡·霍内,班庄·比辛达拿刚,瓦尔蕾特·瓦帖儿,埃迪森·特斯利卡森,诺塔彭·邦帕卡布,Torpong Chantabubpha
简介:  30岁的阿翁(桑尼·苏瓦美塔农 Sunny Suwanmethanont 饰)是一名修图师,非常敬业的他几乎将所有的精力都投入到了工作之中,因为过度疲劳导致抵抗力下降,阿翁患上了皮肤病。无奈之下,阿翁只得来到皮肤科就诊,在这里,阿翁邂逅了名为阿燕(黛薇卡·霍内 Davika Hoorne 饰)的女医生。   温柔美丽的阿燕很快就吸引了阿翁的注意,令这个单纯的男孩迅速坠入情网之中。在阿燕的要求下,阿翁积极治疗,推掉了大部分工作,学习如何自我放松。虽然阿翁的健康渐渐的恢复了,但他也因此失去了再见到阿燕的机会。更糟的是,阿翁在工作上的懈怠令他事业了。为了发泄内心里的失落,阿翁决定重新做回工作狂。


主演:苏帕努·洛瀚帕尼/Plan Koosuwan/林亦乐/塔纳科恩·库尔贾拉松巴特/Took Chanokwanun Rakcheep/Faii Sumitta Duangkaew/Phiao Duangjai Hiransri/Michelli Tan/素科尔·萨斯喀彻温/坦纳永·王特拉库/Act Tanachai Kulcharoentanachot
简介:当一个新的出租房屋租客遇到一个失忆的幽灵。抢救发生在死亡后49天。让我们一起看看他能不能逃脱的结论。)~~改编自泰国漫画《我和我房间里的鬼》。When a new rental house moves leading to meet an amnesiac wraith. Th e rescue occurred 49 days after death. Le
苏帕努·洛瀚帕尼/Plan Koo..


主演:伊尔凡·可汗,Parvathy Thiruvothu,内哈·迪胡皮阿
简介:Jaya and Yogi set out on a short journey to retrace past relationships and end up in the most eventful, strange, crazy trip of their lives. This short journey through Rishikesh, Bikaner and Gangtok with the ups and downs, the missed trains and taxi rides, the heartbreak and the mending of old friendships, the quarrels and self-discovery, sweeps Jaya and Yogi away, and indeed us as well, into a very special and unforgettable experience. And do they fall in love? We really hope so.
伊尔凡·可汗,Parvathy T..


主演:吉莉安·雅各布斯,瓦妮莎·贝尔,理查德·麦登,Phoebe Robinson
简介:IBIZA star as a young woman whose two best friends tag along on her work trip to Barcelona and Ibiza that quickly turns into a crazy hunt for a popular DJ.


主演:贡萨洛·沃丁顿,David Chan Cordeiro,José Pinto,米格尔·古伊尔赫梅
简介:A satire on anti-communist paranoia in the days of fascist dictatorship in Portugal. The series follows the adventures of the "Lusitanian superhero", the ultra-patriotic Captain Falcão, a man who follows the direct orders of António de Oliveira Salazar in the fight against the "red menace". Starring Gonçalo Waddington, as Captain Falcão, David Chan Cordeiro (also responsible for coordinating the work of doubles) as his sidekick Puto Perdiz and José Pinto in the role of portuguese dictator, António de Oliveira Salazar.
贡萨洛·沃丁顿,David Cha..


主演:Frank Wong
简介:《唐人街永存》讲述了一位年过八旬、不为人所知、自学成才的艺术家Frank Wong有关唐人街记忆的故事。他在四十余年的时间里,打造了拥有丰富场景、造型浪漫、细致入微、栩栩如生的微缩唐人街景观,重塑了旧金山华埠逐渐褪色的美好回忆。
Frank Wong


主演:阿米特巴·巴赫卡安 Amitabh Bachchan / Ritesh Deshmukh / Sanjay Dutt / Jaqueline Fernandes
简介:印度09最新喜剧,是著名的阿拉伯民间故事合集,它凭借丰富的想象、生动的描写风靡全世界,神话故事《阿拉丁》也出自这个合集,它曾多次被搬上大银幕。    印度电影人再次将它翻拍,与以往不同的是,这次制片方耗费巨资,运用了先进的电脑特技效果,力图带给观众一场豪华的幻想历险。虽然《阿拉丁》是大家都十分熟悉的故事,但是,电影精美的制作以及绚丽的特效运用,还是会给观众耳目一新的感觉。
阿米特巴·巴赫卡安 Amitabh..

不做爱情傻子 Bucin (2020)

主演:Andovi Da Lopez / Jovial Da Lopez / Tommy Limm / Chandra Liow
简介:Andovi (Andovi da Lopez), Tommy (Tommy Limmm), Jovi (Jovial da Lopez), and Chandra (Chandra Liow) try to get out of unhealthy relationships because they are bucin (slaves of love).
Andovi Da Lopez /..


主演:Nut Supanut Lourhaphanich,Petch Chanapoom Thenwong,肯干卡·坤乍努,Naradon Namboonjit
简介:Orphaned at a very young age, Gui, a fourth-year engineering student, has had to work hard and earn for himself for as long as he can remember. Still, through the test of time, he still has a soft demeanor and a smile on his face.Solo, a freshman in the Faculty of Music, can get anything he wants with a flick of his wrist. Money, fame, good looks, the boy has everything, except his smile. When Solo's mother passed away, she took with him his smile. Nothing could fill this missing hole in him... that is — until one day when he sees a smiling boy working at a cafe.One night the two worlds collide in a small coffee shop. For a cup of hot milk and a warm smile, Solo finds himself back in the cafe every night. For a soft boy who reminds him of a husky, Gui finds himself waiting for a late-night visitor with a cup of hot milk, night after night.Night after night, the two boys continue to meet. At the same spot, at the same time, until they soon come to realize that they have become each other's breath. A necessity. Just like Oxygen.
Nut Supanut Lourh..