

骑行日本:山形县-荒野的呼唤 Cycle Around Japan: Yamagata-Call of the Wild

简介:A 360km ride through the high mountains of Yamagata Prefecture, with a cyclist on his first long road trip. An interest in Eastern philosophy has drawn our traveler to the Three Mountains of Dewa, legendary abode of the gods. From a landscape of flowering cherry trees, we ride into the snow-capped mountains to meet a veteran artisan of Japanese chess pieces. On Mt. Haguro, we're guided up the sacred peak by a Yamabushi mountain ascetic. Finally, we help a free-spirited falconer train his raptor in the snowy wilderness.


主演:Nancy Allen,Lance Henriksen,,Scott Lincoln
简介:The young daughter of a tough, female ex-agent is held ransom for the giving over of a top secret information file which outlines the layout of buried nuclear arms being held as garbage under a government restricted cliff seven in the desert. But to discover this she must go to the area and there, with some unexpected help, encounters the kidnappers in a daring shoot-out finish.
Nancy Allen,Lance..


主演:本·西尔弗斯通,Brad Gorton,Charlotte Brittain,Stacy Hart
简介:约翰(Brad Gorton 饰)在运动方面的杰出表现让他成为了校园中的名人,他所到之处,无不充斥着赞美和渴望,对于校园里的许多人来说,能够得到约翰的垂青是学校生活中最大的成功,我们文静又腼腆的史蒂芬(本·西尔弗斯通 Ben Silverstone 饰)就是其中的一员。令史蒂芬做梦也没有想到的是,约翰竟然对自己也有着别样的感情,然而,在表达感情的方式上,两人却出现了巨大的分歧——史蒂芬希望将恋情公之于众,而约翰却躲躲闪闪、遮遮掩掩。两个个性迥异的大男孩之间,会发生怎样浪漫而刻骨铭心的故事呢?与此同时,史蒂芬的好友马克(Patrick Nielsen 饰)也遇到了自己的爱情难题,他钦慕女孩温蒂(Kate McEnery 饰),后者却对他视而不见。偌大的校园中,每天都在上演着一幕幕爱情悲喜剧。©豆瓣
本·西尔弗斯通,Brad Gort..


主演:卢克·梅伯利,Kam Heskin,Clemency Burton-Hill,乔纳森·佛斯,玛瑞亚·达波
简介:皇家婚禮是2003年浪漫喜劇片麻雀變王妃的續集 在前集中 珮姬愛上愛得華 卻不知他是如假包換的丹麥王子 在續集中 兩人卻要面對丹麥皇室傳統律法的規定 就是當王子與一個平民百姓結婚的話 他必須要宣示放棄皇位繼承權 This movie was what you would expect from a sequel that is looking to be a sweet and feel good comedy aimed at young audiences. It's great for kids as there is no swearing, questionable subject matter, et. Luke is a doll and comes across the dashing yet not uptight king (or prince, not sure) and I thought he and Paige (Kam Heskin) had great chemistry. You almost sense they really liked each other. Kam plays a little more of a glamorous Paige which I kind of liked now that it takes place in Europe. I found her very cute and funny and not uptight or stuffy either. I like her in Pride and Prejudice too. Kirsten (Clemency Burton-Hill)is hysterical and plays a great villianess. Her father, played by Jim Holt was very entertaining. And the Queen looked very regal and likable. Overall I thought this was a very cute, simple little movie that had some very funny parts and kept me entertained. Worth the rental
卢克·梅伯利,Kam Heskin..


主演:柯林·纳麦克,杨茜·巴特勒,史蒂芬·比灵顿,斯凯·劳瑞,Oliver Walker,Ali Eagle,Annabel Wright,Laura Dale,Georgina Philipps,Nigel Barber,罗伯特·英格兰德,Heather Gilbert,Jenny May Darcy,Kalina Stoimenova,Carolina Bratanova


主演:Brigitte Kingsley,Landy Cannon,Julia Schneider,Mike 'Nug' Nahrgang,Kyle Buchanan,李康宁,迈克尔·艾恩塞德,Matti McLean,Andrew Cymek,Angel Williams,Joe Ross,Pj Lazic,Nick McKinlay,Michael McAdam,Des Anthony
简介:Two years after Jason Parks (Landy Cannon) saved Warrior Princess Summer Vale (Brigitte Kingsley) from her life hunting Killopoths in the demon dimension, a sudden surge of supernatural activity and violent attacks have resurfaced on our plane beyond the normal parameters of the portal.
Brigitte Kingsley..


主演:Mahzarin Banaji,Raychelle Burks,Kathryn Clancy,Nancy Hopkins,Paula Johnson
简介:Despite the minimal news coverage, sexual harassment and gender inequality against women are no less prevalent in science than they are in pop culture and corporate America.
Mahzarin Banaji,R..


主演:Sarah Jessica Parker,Kim Cattrall,Kristin Davis,Cynthia Nixon,Chris Noth
简介:  凯瑞(萨拉·杰西卡·帕克 Sarah Jessica Parker 饰)和夏洛特(克里斯汀·戴维斯 Kristin Davis 饰)的两位同性好友,安东尼(马里奥·坎通 Mario Cantone 饰)与斯坦福(威利·加森 Willie Garson 饰)终于成婚,而凯瑞与“大先生”(克里斯·诺斯 Chris North 饰)婚后却不满生活日渐平淡,二人矛盾渐生。全职妈妈夏洛特日夜担心丈夫哈里(伊万·汉德勒 Evan Handler 饰)会与青春洋溢的爱尔兰保姆艾琳(爱丽丝·伊芙 Alice Eve 饰)出轨。律师米兰达(辛西娅·尼克松 Cynthia Nixon 饰)不满老板对女性的歧视,愤而辞职。就在此时,萨曼莎(金·凯特罗尔 Kim Cattrall 饰)应阿联酋酋长之邀,带领三人出游中东的阿布扎比。在香料集市上,凯瑞重逢多年前的旧爱艾登(约...
Sarah Jessica Par..


主演:爱德华·罗宾逊/洛丽泰·扬/奥逊·威尔斯/菲利普·梅里韦尔/理查德·朗/康斯坦丁肖恩/Byron Keith/比利·豪斯/玛莎·温特沃思/大卫·邦德/约翰·布朗/Neal Dodd/Nancy Evans/Adolph Faylauer/Fred Godoy/西奥多·戈特利布/约瑟夫·格兰比/伊桑·莱德劳/鲁思李/Lillian Molieri/Isabel O'Madigan/Gabriel P
简介:  威爾斯啟發了黑色電影風格,又以這個類型風格來處理本片。平靜小城受人尊敬的教授原來是納粹餘孽,聯邦密探微服偵查,引發出連場殺戮。威爾斯飾演教授,與康城影帝愛德華.羅便臣飾演的聯邦密探,大鬥演技,成為一時佳話。殺人毒計更為影片帶來奧斯卡最佳原著劇本和威尼斯影展最佳電影金獅獎提名,又是他最賣座的電影。  